A powerpoint used as a starter with all ESOL maths groups to check the spelling of numbers. I created it for E1 / E2, but always use it as a check with E3 – L2 at the beginning of the year. They all enjoy it and never complain it should be for babies. It could be used for ESOL, Literacy or Numeracy classes.
A selection of smileys are shown on each slide. Clicking reveals the number (as a digit) and a further click reveals the number spelt out as a word. Would be good used with small individual whiteboards.
Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
AN N1/E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers to 100; odd even nos.
AN N1/E2.1 Count reliably to 100, count on in 2s and 10s
AN N1/E1.2 Read & write numbers up to 10 inc. zero
AN N1/E1.1 Count reliably up to 10 items
Whole Numbers
pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
ESOL Ww/E2.1a Spell correctly majority of personal details & familiar common words
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
09-10 Football Season is a wonderful way to engage mixed ability groups of footie fans!
Covers formulating an argument, discussion, recognising points of view – facts & opinions, writing sentences & paragraphs.
Maths aspects include extracting information from tables, averages, ratios, and addition & subtraction.
A super, quick-to-prepare paired game (all you need is paper, pencil and two dice) that is easily differentiated for any E1-E3 group. Example games include addition, subtraction and times tables.
A quick-to-prepare game that is easily differentiated for any E1-E3 group. Example games include addition and times tables – or make up your own. If you don’t have Monopoly a link is provided so you can print your own Monopoly money!
Costing-up a nursery is ideal for L2 childcare students studying L1 Functional Maths – originally written for AoN (Key Skills). Clear step by step directions on what to do – research, calculate, find averages, create a scale diagram, etc.
A large PPT that covers many different number skills inc. number bonds, rounding, mental and written addition & subtraction, and related word problems. Good for revision or could be broken down into several shorter presentations.
This is a simplified, minimal literacy version of a Christmas numeracy resource (see below) written as an end of term assessment for a mixed ability group ranging from low E2 – E3 – low L1. Ideal for students with low literacy or for a faster assessment where you are just testing straightforward maths – not problem solving skills (most Xmas references have been removed making it suitable for year-round use). With a marking box sheet for E2, E3, L1 to allow for differentiated assessment and separate answer sheet.
Christmas whole number numeracy assessment written as an end of term assessment for a mixed ability group ranging from Low E2 – E3 – Low L1. Covers place value, rounding, 4 operations, times tables, problem solving, multiplying and dividing by 10/100. With a marking box for E2, E3, L1 to allow for differentiated assessment.
Answer sheet available separately (see below).
A related minimal literacy version (with Christmas references removed) of this resource is also available (see below).