Free Functional Skills and Skills for Life resources
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Find parts of whole number quantities or measurements (e.g. 2/3 or 3/4)
(a) Understand the relationship between unit fractions and division when finding parts
(b) Understand that there are different strategies for finding fractional parts
My class of adult learners were struggling to associate fractions with real world scenarios so I created this worksheet based on honest situations.
The questions are diverse in difficulty from Entry level 2 to Level 2 making it a good worksheet as a starter or revision. Editor’s note
With curriculum mapping and answers
A set of cards where learners have to find fractions of money. I use this as a paired game where the learners share the cards between them, then both turn over one cardeach. They work out how much their card is worth then the “winner” or person whose card is worth more keeps both cards. Play continues until 1 player has all the cards.
Five wonderful sets of multiple choice revision questions covering Level 1 ratio, mean & range, fractions, percentages, and number (mostly place value & rounding). Each set consists of 9 cards and is individually mapped to the numeracy curriculum.
Cut up into cards and use as required. Use individual sets for targeted revision or mix with other sets of cards for general revision.
Level 1
AN N1/L1.3
AN N1/L1.1 Place value to millions. < and > symbols
Adult Numeracy N2/L1.3
AN N1/L1.7
AN N2/L1.9 Find simple percentage parts of quantities and measurements
A 16 piece jigsaw puzzle where the triangular pieces form a parallelogram. Learners to match up questions on fractions of money to the correct answers. Use for revision or as a warm-up activity.
Whatever their original format, all Tarsia jigsaws can also be printed out as flashcards / dominoes.
You will need Tarsia Formulator in order to use this resource. To download this excellent free educational tool visit Hermitech
See our Good Software – Tarsia Formulator entry for more information.
A clever and unusual set of 3-way matching cards to help underpin the following skills: converting measures , expressing one number as a fraction of another, find parts of quantities, and simplifying fractions. Can be differentiated for E3-L2.
Forms part of a set of 5 resources linked to an excellent L1-2 lesson plan (that also focuses on expressing one number as a fraction of another). Can also be used independently.
This spreadsheet is designed to enable students to check their own work; but also to learn about what happens when you add two decimals, or multiply two fractions, and so on.
The spreadsheet consists of the following sheets:
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
AN N2/L1.7
AN N2/L1.6
AN N2/L1.5 Calculate with decimals up to 2dp
Adult Numeracy N2/L2.2
AN N2/L2.8 Find percentage parts of quantities and measurements
Adult Numeracy N2/L1.3
AN N2/E3.3
AN N2/L1.9 Find simple percentage parts of quantities and measurements
This 16 piece triangular jigsaw is a great way to practise straightforward metric conversions (click on the picture left for details) and also finding simple fractions of amounts. Covers length, weight and capacity. As usual with Tarsia puzzles, you can choose to print either a standard or large version of the puzzle (select Output – large, i.e. three pieces per A4 sheet).
Easter themed L1 exam-style multiple choice fraction questions.
Very similar to, and adapted from, from Maria’s Valentine’s Party questions (see below).