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MSS1/L1.5 Read, estimate, measure and compare distance
(a) know that distance is measured in miles or kilometres
(b) understand and use a mileage chart
(c) know how to use a simple scale to estimate distance on a road map
Functional skills maths.
Extract information from mileage and distance (network) diagrams. Complete a mileage chart. Editor’s note
With worked solutions, pop up help and a final challenge question.
Ideal as an introduction or for revision.
8 week fully mapped medium term plan / scheme of work for teaching perimeter, area and volume to learners preparing for Edexcel ALAN (adult literacy and numeracy) tests.
Lots of detail – including hyperlinks to online practice tests and DfES Skills for Life worksheets. Fully mapped and differentiated. With loads of lovely hands-on kinaesthetic ideas for covering these topics.
I created this resource as practice in data handling for a Level 1 Functional Maths group and it covers skills from Entry 3 to Level 2. It includes creating tallies and charts, using a distance chart, calculating average and range, and working with money. It is fully mapped to the Functional Maths criteria and includes an answer sheet.
My students are 16-18, and have a limited knowledge of geography, so I included an outline map of the UK (not included in the resource) and got them to use a road map to find and mark the cities and towns that are on the distance chart.
Not for the faint-hearted! Covers topics such as war/guns, eye balls, water, burgers and flies. However it is bound to interest students and is a great way to practise working with very large numbers and converting between metric measures. Focuses learners on deciding which operation (multiplication or division) is required for each problem.
Illustrated handouts on metric measures with conversion factors and everyday examples of weight, capacity and length. Margaret suggests that it makes a good warm up for Dave Walkden’s Christmas Pudding Activity (see below).
4 sets of word cards, 2 sets of picture cards. Sort, match, order and group cards. Metric measures, imperial measures, units of time, measuring instruments, suitable units. Makes great starter or revision activities. Build active learning into your lessons. Ideal for visual and kinaesthetic learners.
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
AN MSS1/L1.2 Read & measure time and use timetables