General numeracy / maths

Maths resources that cover a range of skills (often at several levels) from two or more of the following areas: number, measures, shape & space, data handling.

A quick but very useful match-up activity that makes a good starter activity for financial literacy or employment skills courses - and it's bound to prompt discussion.

Editor's note

Written for an Australian audience but I have added a UK version on page 2.  Learners can draw lines to match the items or, for a reusable resource, the page could be laminated and/or cut into 12 cards. 



Level 1
Level 2
Functional Maths
General numeracy / maths
Popular topics
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
Employment skills & Public services
Business & Money management

A short workbook I created to 'test the maths water' before teaching maths to a group of adult and young ESOL learners. It covers almost everything in the Entry Level 1 curriculum with exam style tasks/ questions  linked to C&G Functional Skills Maths assessments.

I usually use it with groups as a gentle introduction to the idea of maths and it forms a good diagnostic for the things they need to learn. It also lets me see how motivated they are to study maths!

Editor's notes

Entry Level 1
General numeracy / maths
FM Simple one step problem(s)
FM E1.1 Read, write, order, compare numbers to 20
FM E1.2 Use whole numbers to count up to 20 items including zero
FM E1.3 Add numbers which total up to 20, & subtract numbers from numbers up to 20
FM E1.4 Recognise & interpret the symbols +, – and = appropriately
FM E1.5 Recognise coins & notes, write them in numbers with the correct symbols (£, p) where these involve numbers up to 20
FM E1.6 Read 12 hour digital & analogue clocks in hours
FM E1.7 Know the number of days in a week, months, & seasons in a year. Name & sequence them.
FM E1.8 Describe & make comparisons between measures of items inc. size, length, width, height, weight, capacity
FM E1.9 Identify & recognise common 2-D & 3-D shapes inc. circle, cube, rectangle (inc. square) & triangle
FM E1.10 Use everyday positional vocabulary to describe position & direction including left, right, in front, behind, under & above
FM E1.11 Read numerical information from lists
General ESOL
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
Study Skills and General Teaching
Independent living

A light-hearted poem to celebrate International Pi Day and British Pie Week.  Pi Day is celebrated on 14th March every year (3.14) and British Pie Week is usually during the first full week of March.

In English classes this poem could be used as a discussion starter on the theme of food likes and dislikes, vegetarianism and diet.

In Maths classes it could be used as a humorous introduction to Pi.

Editor's notes

Love this  :) 

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng SL&C Discussion
General numeracy / maths
FM L2.16 Calculate perimeters & areas of 2-D shapes inc. triangles & circles and composite shapes including non-rectangular shapes (formulae given except for triangles & circles)
FM L2.16 Calculate perimeters & areas of 2-D shapes inc. triangles & circles and composite shapes including non-rectangular shapes (formulae given except for triangles & circles)
General ESOL
Catering Food Nutrition

Reading and related activities focusing on a simplified version of a BBC news article reporting the results of the 2021 Australian Census. Ideal for practising reading strategies including:  relating images to text, using headings, skimming, scanning and using context to predict. My (Australian) students found it challenging but were engaged in the content. Lots of possible ways it could lead into other written and oral activities. Numbers and a graph involved so can also be used to revise numeracy concepts such as percentages and extracting information from graphs.

Level 1
Level 2
General literacy / English
FE READING main points & detail
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
General numeracy / maths
ESOL Reading (R)
History, culture, museums, libraries

Learner reflection sheet for learners of Functional Skills with prompts to think about next steps.

Editor's Note

An inspiring and friendly-looking 2 page document. Ideal for Functional Maths and English learners from E3 upwards. Very useful! 

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Functional Skills English
General literacy / English
Functional Maths
General numeracy / maths
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
Aims & objectives, ILPs, reflections
Education and teaching

An updated version of 'Numeracy during the Summer' by Judith White (2006). 

Numeracy during the summer. Keep your students’ skills going during the summer break with these ideas. One page for Entry Level learners, one for Levels 1/2.
Covers number, measures, shape and space, and data.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FM Contextualised underpinning
General numeracy / maths
Adult numeracy curriculum
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond

A reading comprehension based on the BBC news website with related writing activities, one at E3 (informal letter) and one at L1-L2 (email).

Editor’s note
There is also some maths thrown in for good measure! A great resource for the start of (spring) term.

Level 2
Level 1
Entry Level 3
Functional English - writing
Functional English reading
General numeracy / maths
Voluntary, Charity and Community
News, Politics & Government items

A set of robust questions covering plans / scale drawings, calculating area, finding the best prices, percentages, ratios and much more. Mapped to the L1 and L2 Functional Maths criteria. 12 questions spread across 4 tasks: Loft Conversion, Social Club, College Canteen and Living Room.

Level 2
Level 1
General numeracy / maths
Functional Maths
Painting Decorating & DIY
Construction Carpentry Plumbing

Entry level Functional Skills Maths on the theme of vehicles queuing up ready to board a ferry.
Covers many aspects of Functional Maths including: number, position & size, simple lists and charts, and time.

Editor’s note
Two versions available: E1-E2 and E2-E3.
With detailed Functional Maths mapping and teaching tips

Entry Level 3
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
General numeracy / maths
Functional Maths
Motor vehicles & Transport

Updated 4/7/17 for the 2017 Championships – dates and other info changed.

A gigantic worksheet / assessment pack based on Facts & Stats from the official Wimbledon site in 2016. Covers almost all aspects of Functional Maths and is split into differentiated sections covering Entry Level 2 to Level 2.

Minor update 3/7/16 – extra line graph question and improved graph paper.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
General numeracy / maths
Functional Maths
Sport and fitness