Free Functional Skills and Skills for Life resources
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Extract and interpret discrete and continuous data from tables, diagrams, charts and line graphs.
(a) Understand how to use scales in diagrams, charts and graphs
(b) Know how to interpret information from bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs with more than one line
This resource uses several tables of data and requires the user to complete calculations based on the data such as mean, median, mode and range as well as percentages and rounding. There is also a task where the learner must create a chart based on a table of data.
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There is something for everyone in this robust resource as it’s split into three sections: weather, Premier League and Glastonbury Festival. With answers and curriculum mapping.
A set of differentiated Functional Skills tasks aimed at E3-L2 maths and L1-2 English reading. Based on a well designed, unbiased infographic published on the eve of the EU referendum by the I newspaper.
With answers and detailed FS mapping.
Based on two recent articles / surveys on Black Friday shopping, the main focus of this resource is Functional Mathematics but there is also an introductory page of English questions that check vocabulary, purpose of text and the ability to extract meaning from graphical material and captions.
This is followed by three pages of challenging differentiated questions for E3-L2 Functional Maths – all are based on the infographics within the text. Topics include large numbers, percentages, fractions and the four operations.
I have created this worksheet to assess learners in reading and extracting data, solving problems on budgeting expenses when standing orders, direct debits and wages are expected on different dates.
I have created this worksheet to assess learners studying maths at level 2 in solving problems which involve extracting and interpreting continuous data from the conversion line graph metres to feet and calculating, comparing and estimating with units of length in the Imperial and metric system.
The main resource has four pages. Three of the pages contain a chart and a brief to a group of students to discuss and write some sentences saying what the chart tells them. The twist is that each group of 3 students has a different chart drawn from the same data as the groups next to them. The fourth page has the table from which the charts were drawn.
The charts used are: dual/clustered bar chart comparing types of drink sold on two days. A stacked/composite bar chart and a percentage bar chart of the same data.
I have created this worksheet to assess learners studying maths at level 2 in solving practical problems which involve extracting and interpreting discrete data from a table and also calculating a percentage increase.
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With Functional Maths and Adult Numeracy curriculum mapping
Covers geometric drawings, area, perimeter, money, metric measures, tallies, line graphs and much more.
Fully mapped to the Functional Maths criteria and process skills. With answer sheet.
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Wonderful open ended project. Ideal for E3-L2 mixed ability groups.
A clearly set out investigation into TV film age ratings. This makes an ideal investigation for mixed ability groups as it is cleverly differentiated for E3-L2 (E2 students could also participate with support).
All you need is a recent weekly TV guide.
Covers tallies, dual and single bar charts, pictograms, extracting and comparing information and designing a questionnaire. Fully mapped, and ideal for, Functional Maths.