AL Ws/L2.4 Use apostrophes & inverted commas
Punctuate sentences correctly and use punctuation accurately, e.g. commas, apostrophes, inverted commas (a) Understand and use commas when they are needed to separate parts of complex sentences, to enclose extra information, or to mark off direct speech (b) Understand and use an apostrophe to show a missing letter or letters, e.g. they're, we've, I'm (c) Know the full verb equivalents and that the writer can choose short or full forms depending on the formality required (d) Understand the difference between it's (‘it is') and its (‘belonging to it') (e) Understand the use of apostrophes to show where a final -s indicates that something belongs to someone or something (f) Understand the use of inverted commas for direct speech, and to indicate a quotation