AL Rw/E2.2 Recognise high frequency words & words with common spelling patterns
Adult Literacy Core Curriculum (DfES 2001): reading / word focus / word recognition
Use context cues and own knowledge and experience to predict unknown words (a) Understand that the meaning of individual words can often be deduced from surrounding context, using own life knowledge and experience as a guide (b) Understand that knowledge of sound and letter correspondence can be applied alongside these contextual clues to help decode words, e.g. use of initial phonemes and letters (c) Understand that the same sound (phoneme) can be spelt in more than one way, and that the same spelling (grapheme) can represent more than one sound (d) Reinforce and extend knowledge of sound-letter patterns in simple words with common spelling patterns (e) Understand that some words can be split into specific parts, and recognise the parts, including compound words, prefixes, suffixes, inflectional endings, plurals, e.g. playground, replay, playful, playing, played, plays (f) Understand how each beat in a word is a syllable and breaking some words into syllables can help to decode them,