FS Eng SL&C Speaking

Functional Skills English > Speaking Listening and Communication > Speaking > 

A broad Functional English category which could cover some, any or all of the following Functional English speaking, listening & communication speaking topic areas:

This broad category is often used to classify multi-level resources that cover many, many descriptors.
For individual categorisation of resources under each of the above topic areas use the links above or the English subject area filters to select 'Speaking'

A topical reading comprehension on Captain Tom's 100th birthday with related writing and SLC (speaking listening and communication) tasks.  There are two versions: one for Entry Level 3 and one for Level 1 (also suitable for L2). Writing tasks include reports and emails (and at Entry 3 - a spelling test). SLC tasks cover short talks with Q&A sessions and discussions. 

Editor's note.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng SL&C Speaking
FS Eng SL&C Active listening
FS Eng SL&C Discussion
Functional English reading
FE Writing composition
FE WRITING Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)
FE E3.17 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 3
News, Politics & Government items
History, culture, museums, libraries

This is a speaking and listening activity written in the style of the NCFE reformed Functional Skills assessment.  It is based on the 'Happy News: It's not all bad' reading resource previously published on skillsworkshop. Three task are covered: presentation (talk), Q&A session and a formal discussion. 

Editor's notes

Level 1
FS Eng SL&C Speaking
FS Eng SL&C Active listening
FS Eng SL&C Discussion
News, Politics & Government items