A reading comprehension and vocabulary activity suitable for both ESOL and Literacy / Functional Skills. The activities are based on a BBC News article about John Cronin’s online business, John’s Crazy Socks. John, who has Down’s Syndrome, is a co-founder of the business, along with his father, Mark.
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
Adult Literacy: Engage in Discussion
Use reading strategies
Identify main points and detail
Plan, compose and draft
Follow and understand
Functional Skills English
ESOL: Reading word focus - vocabulary, word recognition, phonics (Rw)
This resource is aimed at high E3, L1 and L2 ESOL learners who make mistakes when using conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs in their writing to express contrast. There are seven speaking, reading and writing tasks in all.
Level 1
Level 2
Use knowledge of grammar
Apply grammar
Identify main points and detail
Functional Skills English
ESOL: Writing sentence focus - punctuation and grammar (Ws)