I just chanced upon this interesting site – looks like it might be useful on the diploma course.
There is a lot of mathematics theory, split into 13 subject areas including primes, infinity; topology; geometry, and much more. Plus a useful ‘Math Family Tree’ which look at the history of the 13 subject areas and “illustrates how early mathematicians and their breakthroughs (as far back as 25,000 B.C.E.) influenced those that came later”.
A critical history of policy and practice from 1970 – 2000. The site is not yet complete but if you want an overview of ABE (adult basic education) in the last 6 decades take a look at the fantastic timelines.
An excellent site and labour of love from retired head teacher Derek Gillard.
Split into three areas covering: History of English schools from 660 to present day. Documents includes the full text of many major education reports from 1867 to 2001. These include the Crowther Report (15-18), the Warnock Report 1978 (Special Educational Needs), the Cockcroft Report 1982 (Mathematics Counts), the Swann Report 1985 (Education for All) and other classics. All make fascinating reading.
Harvard references that I used for the Level 5 Maths ADTLLS, Developing Role of Numeracy / History of Mathematics essay. (Part of Module 1: Approaches to Mathematics learning and teaching).
This is one of many Harvard references to useful online references for the Level 5 Maths ADTLLS, Developing Role of Numeracy / History of Mathematics essay. (Part of Module 1: Approaches to Mathematics learning and teaching). The retrieval date is when I first used it.
This is one of many Harvard references to useful online references for the Level 5 Maths ADTLLS, Developing Role of Numeracy / History of Mathematics essay. (Part of Module 1: Approaches to Mathematics learning and teaching). The retrieval date is when I first used it.
These are two of many Harvard references to useful online references for the Level 5 Maths ADTLLS, Developing Role of Numeracy / History of Mathematics essay. (Part of Module 1: Approaches to Mathematics learning and teaching). The retrieval date is when I first used it.
This is one of many Harvard references to useful online references for the Level 5 Maths ADTLLS, Developing Role of Numeracy / History of Mathematics essay. (Part of Module 1: Approaches to Mathematics learning and teaching). The retrieval date is when I first used it.
This is one of many Harvard references to useful online references for the Level 5 Maths ADTLLS, Developing Role of Numeracy / History of Mathematics essay. (Part of Module 1: Approaches to Mathematics learning and teaching). The retrieval date is when I first used it.
This is one of many Harvard references to useful online references for the Level 5 Maths ADTLLS, Developing Role of Numeracy / History of Mathematics essay. (Part of Module 1: Approaches to Mathematics learning and teaching). The retrieval date is when I first used it.