British Values

Reading comprehension based on the for countries of the UK.  

Includes basic information about each of the countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland which is followed by generic more detailed information about the NHS, education and working plus the emergency services. 

Editor's notes

Picture quiz and two sets of differentiated questions. Part of the Living in the UK series. 

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
ESOL Trace and understand main events of a text

Suitable for ESOL and Functional English this resource was created to encourage discussion and understanding about this sometimes difficult topic in a sympathetic way. Uses a fictional story about a girl called Amina who learns about British Values through her community - with reading questions and a discussion/presentation/writing task.

The tutor can use the suggested lesson tips or go their own way to suit their learners.

Editor's notes

Entry Level 3
Functional Skills English
ESOL: Reading text focus - comprehension (Rt)
ESOL: Writing - text focus (composition)
General ESOL
ESOL Engage in discussion (Sd)
ESOL Present information
Independent living
History, culture, museums, libraries

An activity to introduce the past simple form by reading about Christmas. Read about Christmas in the present and past tense then identify regular and irregular and past simple verbs. Introduces students to past tense and also familiarises them with British Christmas traditions.

Editor's note

Wonderful! I love the simplicity yet usefulness of this resource.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
General ESOL
ESOL Sc/E3.4a Express clearly statements of fact 
ESOL Sc/E3.4c Give an account/narrate events in the past
ESOL Rs/E1.1a Read and recognise simple sentence structures:
ESOL Reading (R)
ESOL Rt/E1.1a Follow a short narrative on a familiar topic or experience
ESOL Rt/E2.1a Use a range of strategies to trace & understand main events
ESOL Rt/E2.2a Understand & identify the different purposes of short, straightforward texts
Faith & Religion
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism

British Values project based on ICT Level 2 City and Guilds covering all content including


  • Task 1 - Internet Research, Word
  • Task 2 - Excel IF / AND, charts, formatting, formulae,  etc
  • Task 3  - PPT with images, animation, etc.
  • Task 4 -  Mail Merge (needs memo.txt and employees.txt - see below)
  • Task 5 - Word, poster
  • Task 6  - Access database (needs training.txt file - see below)
  • Task 7 -  General ICT  Knowledge 
Level 2
General ESOL
Functional Skills ICT: Using ICT
Functional Skills ICT: Finding and selecting information
Functional Skills ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information
Charts & graphs
Faith & Religion

ICT Project about British Values - based on City & Guilds Level 1 Functional ICT assessments.



  • Task 1 - Internet research and copying and pasting
  • Task 2 - Excel activity - including formula, adding a chart, formatting
  • Task 3 - PowerPoint activity - adding slides, animation, images etc.
  • Task 4 - Create a poster on Word
  • Task 5 - Databases - sort and filter 
  • Task 6 - General ICT Knowledge
Level 1
General ESOL
Functional Skills ICT: Using ICT
Functional Skills ICT: Finding and selecting information
Functional Skills ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information
Charts & graphs
Faith & Religion

I saw this guide on the BBC website and thought it would be suitable for my Level 1 learners.  This text clearly has a limited shelf-life but is very topical and gives us a chance to discuss democracy as part of British values.  It is quite a detailed comprehension and I have included some Level 1 Reformed Functional Skills Reading questions e.g. explaining apostrophe use.  Whilst not expressly a Level 2 text, it does give a chance to discuss issues of fact, opinion and bias.

Editor's note

Level 1
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
News, Politics & Government items

An ESOL lesson embedding numeracy, diversity and British values, centred on the Spring Equinox and three festivals which happen around / on this day - Purim, Holi and Shunbun No Hi. Learners collect unfamiliar words on a vocabulary sheet and ask and answer questions to elicit meaning / explanation. There is a powerpoint to introduce the topic, using acronyms eg 7DIAW  - Seven Days In A Week to elicit key words, and lead to an explanation of what the Vernal Equinox is and when it is.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FM E1.7 Know the number of days in a week, months, & seasons in a year. Name & sequence them.
FM E2.7 Know the number of hours in a day and weeks in a year.
FM E3.4 Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1- & 2-digit numbers
General ESOL
Generic resources for literacy, numeracy and beyond
Faith & Religion

4 Oct 2017. Updated information on source material added

A reading activity on legal age limits in different parts of the UK. Includes: education, voting, driving, marriage and work. Based on materials at:…

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Functional English reading
ESOL Ws/E3.1a Write using complex sentences
ESOL Sd/E3.1d Express views and opinions
ESOL Sc/E3.4e Give directions and instructions
ESOL Sc/E2.2a Make requests: ask for things or action
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Lr/E3.2d Listen for grammatical detail
News, Politics & Government items