Black History

Learners explore the contributions of five black (US) scientists and inventors. Suitable for Entry Levels 1, 2 & 3 and beyond.

Editor's notes

An interesting multi-purpose PPT that be used to focus on listening, reading or writing skills. Makes a complete lesson: warm up discussion, video link, Guess Who? quizzes and a final research / writing task.


Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FS Eng E1.2 Identify & extract the main information from short statements & explanations
FS Eng E2.1 Identify & extract main information & detail from short explanations
FS Eng E3.1 Identify & extract relevant information & detail in straightforward explanations
FE E1.10 Understand a short piece of text on a simple subject
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE 1.16 Communicate information in words, phrases & simple sentences
FE E2.17 Communicate information using words & phrases appropriate to audience & purpose
FE E3.18 Communicate information, ideas & opinions clearly & in logical sequence e.g. chronologically, by task
ESOL Lr/E1.2a Listen for detail in short narratives and explanations
ESOL Lr/E2.2a Listen for detail in narratives and explanations
ESOL Lr/E3.3a Listen for relevant and new information on radio, TV, video, in face-to-face situations, and over the phone
ESOL Rt/E1.1a Follow a short narrative on a familiar topic or experience
ESOL Rt/E1.1b Obtain information from texts
ESOL Rt/E3.1a Understand how meaning is built up in a variety texts of more than one paragraph
ESOL Wt/E1.1a Compose very simple text to communicate ideas or basic information
ESOL Wt/E2.1a Compose simple text, selecting appropriate format for the genre and purpose
ESOL Wt/E3.2a
History, culture, museums, libraries

Black History Month slides for English Functional Skills. Covers a broad range of skills such as discussion points, comprehension, working out vocabulary from context and/or with a dictionary, language features, organisational features, fact and opinion, and punctuation. 

Editor's note

Level 1
Level 2
FS Eng L1.4 Communicate information / ideas / opinions clearly & accurately on range of topics
FS Eng L1.5 Express opinions and arguments and support them with evidence
FE E1.6 Make clear statements, communicate feelings & opinions on straightforward topics
FS Eng L2.5 Communicate information/ideas/opinions clearly/effectively with further detail/development if required
FS Eng L2.6 Express opinions and arguments and support them with relevant and persuasive evidence
FE L2.8 Make relevant and constructive contributions to move discussion forward
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
FE L1.17 Read & understand a range of specialist words in context
FE L1.18 Use knowledge of punctuation to aid understanding of texts
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
History, culture, museums, libraries

Level 2 reading resource analysing purpose, identifying points of view, organisational and language features, and implied meaning.

Based on a BBC news article where architect Sir David Adjaye calls for a 'long overdue' black culture museum in Britain.

Editor's note

Level 2
FE L2.13 Identify implicit & inferred meaning in texts
FE L2.18 Follow an argument, identifying different points of view & distinguishing fact from opinion
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.17 Analyse texts, of different levels of complexity, recognising their use of vocabulary and identifying levels of formality and bias

A reading comprehension and writing activity at L1/L2 and at E3 on Walter Tull, one of England’s first black professional footballers and the UK’s first black army officer. He has an inspiring story and was killed in action in France 100 years ago (March 25, 1918). David Lammy MP is calling for his Military Cross to be awarded posthumously as an inspiration to others. Plenty of possibilities for speaking and listening discussions around the topic.

Editor's note

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE READING and understanding words
FE READING main points & detail
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE WRITING Use format, structure & language (to meet purpose & audience)
FE WRITING Clarity, cohesion, length and detail
News, Politics & Government items
History, culture, museums, libraries
Sport and fitness
Employment skills & Public services

Topical set of reading comprehension and research tasks written for Black History Month (October) but can be used at any time. Differentiated biographies (one for E3-L1, one for L1-L2) of Rosa Parks, known as “the mother of the civil rights movement”, with related comprehension, discussion and vocabulary tasks. There is also a cloze exercise and a timeline research task.

Level 2
Level 1
Entry Level 3
Adult Literacy: writing composition (Wt)
Use reference sources
Adult literacy: reading comprehension (Rt)
History, culture, museums, libraries

A beautifully prepared E3-L1 literacy workbook. Produced to be used during Black History month (October) at Bolton College but can be used at any time. The main text is derived from Kwesi Bacchra’s review of “Claudia Jones, a life in exile” by Marika Sherwood.
Exercises include reading comprehension, correcting spellings, dictionary and alphabetical order work, abbreviations, research and creative writing.

Level 1
Entry Level 3
Adult Literacy: writing composition (Wt)
Use reference sources
Adult literacy: reading comprehension (Rt)
History, culture, museums, libraries