ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling

Writing > Word Focus (Spelling and Handwriting) >  Spelling> Ww/E1.1b Use knowledge of basic sound-letter correspondence and letter patterns to aid spelling
(i) Understand that letters (graphemes) or letter combinations represent certain sounds (phonemes), and that in English this relationship is complex.
(ii) Hear, identify and practise writing, in a meaningful context for the learners, words with: initial, medial and final consonant sounds; short, medial vowel sounds; initial and final digraphs, such as ch, sh.
(iii) Know that there are more sounds than letters in English and that these may not correspond to sounds in their other languages
(iv) Use basic sound-symbol correspondence to help spell words they want to write, as appropriate to individual learners
(v) Start to use knowledge of common letter patterns in English to help spell words they want to write
(vi) Learn the terms vowel and consonant and starting to apply them to spelling

Example of application and level
Hear, identify and practise writing, in a meaningful context for the learners, words with:

  • initial, medial and final consonant sounds
  • short, medial vowel sounds
  • initial and final digraphs, such as ch, sh

Sample activities

  • Learners identify letters linked to initial sounds of personal key words, using letter–picture matching, personal vocabulary book, gap-filling of initial letters.
  • Learners go on to identify letters and digraphs linked to sounds in other positions, as appropriate to their knowledge and need.
  • Learners build up phonic word banks, keeping new words they have learnt to write or copy in vocabulary books, on cards housed in card index boxes, always working from contexts of personal interest.
  • Learners work on recognising letter patterns (e.g. right, light) in words they use and read in simple texts. Learners look at the words in context, identify what they have in common and say the letter combination. Learners trace the words in the air and practise through gap-filling within simple sentences. Learners practise the patterns through Look Say Cover Write Check and then write or copy two simple sentences of their own, using the words.

Source: Adult ESOL Core Curriculum (DfES, 2001) 

Here are few things on cooking verbs and recipes for E1-E2 ESOL and Entry Level 1 Functional English classes. Includes reading, spelling and saying the letters of the alphabet. Includes a recipe for pancakes but useful at any time of year.

Editor's notes

Fully mapped to the new Reformed Functional English content.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
FS Eng E1.1 Say the names of the letters of the alphabet
FE E1.8 Read correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
FE E1.15 Spell correctly words designated for Entry Level 1
ESOL Sc/E1.4b Give personal information
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Rw/E1.3a Identify letters of alphabet in both upper & lower case
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling
Catering Food Nutrition

This resource will help learners recognise words related to personal information. Learners will read, match, fill in the gaps and identify the number of syllables.

Entry Level 1
ESOL Ww/E1.2a Form the letters of the alphabet using upper and lower case
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling
ESOL Rw/E1.3b Recognise digits
ESOL Rw/E1.3a Identify letters of alphabet in both upper & lower case
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols

Using this resource, learners at E1-2 level learn to recognise vowels and consonants, spell the days of the week and identify these spellings with everyday activities and calendar usage. At E2-3 level learners can use the resource to develop their ideas into sentences that incorporate days of the week.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
Adult Literacy: writing - punctuation & grammar (Ws)
Functional English - writing
ESOL Ww/E2.1a Spell correctly majority of personal details & familiar common words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words

Phonics worksheet focusing on the /i:/ sound (with an “ee” spelling) using high frequency words for low level ESOL literacy learners.

Editor’s note
Includes ‘read & spelling, spelling (in various stages) and matching words written in uppercase and lowercase.

Entry Level 1
AL Rw/E1.2 Decode simple, regular words
ESOL Ww/E1.2a Form the letters of the alphabet using upper and lower case
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling
ESOL Rw/E1.3b Recognise digits
ESOL Rw/E1.3a Identify letters of alphabet in both upper & lower case
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words

A great way to focus on phonic spelling. Complete with a suggested word list although you could use your own as needed. For E1 -2 ESOL & Literacy.

Entry Level 1
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling

A wonderful and very substantial series of worksheets (or cut and stick) and card based activities for preEntry Milestone 8 – Entry 1 Lit and ESOL. Covers dozens of everyday household objects and furniture. Includes matching, labelling, missing letters and spelling.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Wt/M7.2 Use words/signs/symbols/images & match their meanings to objects, people, places
pre-Entry Wt/M8.1 Understand that words/signs/symbols/images convey information
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling

Wonderful set of worksheets (or cut and stick) and card based activities for preEntry Milestone 7 – Entry 1 Lit and ESOL. Covers different types of residential buildings, different rooms, garden sheds and garages. Includes matching, labelling, missing vowels and spelling.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Wt/M7.2 Use words/signs/symbols/images & match their meanings to objects, people, places
pre-Entry Wt/M8.1 Understand that words/signs/symbols/images convey information
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling

A very useful set of 15 graduated tasks that involve reading sentences, learning key words / spellings and writing sentences.

Entry Level 1
Rs/E1.1 Read and recognise simple sentence structures
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
ESOL Rs/E1.1a Read and recognise simple sentence structures:
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Ws/E1.1a Construct a simple sentence, using basic word order & verb form
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling
ESOL Ww/E1.1c Develop strategies to aid spelling

Feelings and emotions ‘smiley’ flashcards for spelling, vocabulary and speaking practice. Originally used with the DfES ESOL E1 Skills for Life materials (Unit 10 – going to work, pages 8-9 feelings) but can be used alone.

Entry Level 1
ESOL Lr/E1.5a Recognise a speaker's feeling and attitude
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Sd/E1.1c Express likes, dislikes, feelings, etc
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling

Flashcards for spelling, vocabulary and speaking practice. Originally used with the DfES ESOL E1 Skills for Life materials (Unit 5 – Health) but can be used alone.

Entry Level 1
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Sc/E1.1b Articulate the sounds of English to be comprehensible to a sympathetic native speaker
ESOL Sc/E1.4a Make simple statements of fact
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling