ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words

Writing > Word Focus (Spelling and Handwriting) >  Spelling> Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
(i) Develop knowledge of context-based personal vocabulary.   
E.g. Build a context-based personal vocabulary, e.g.
School: teacher, lesson.
Family: mother, son.
Country: Somalia, Mogadishu.
(ii) Develop knowledge of structural words and key verbs in simple texts.
E.g. Structural words: in, the, of

Source: Adult ESOL Core Curriculum (DfES, 2001) 

This is a fun activity which encourages kinaesthetic learning and builds learner confidence in engaging with technology as well as using IT vocabulary. Learners are invited to share their experience of different types of international keyboards and use the interactive white board to annotate a QWERTY keyboard.

Editor's note

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
ESOL Sc/E1.4a Make simple statements of fact
ESOL Sc/E1.4d Make statements of fact clearly
ESOL Sc/E2.3a Express statements of fact
ESOL Sc/E2.3d Give an explanation
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E2.1a Spell correctly majority of personal details & familiar common words
Entry 1 and 2 ICT
Functional Skills ICT: Using ICT

8 pictures and words to teach the vocabulary of things in a living room. Can be cut up and used as a picture / word match activity for groups or as a whole class activity. Can also be used to practise alphabetical ordering. There is also
a worksheet, a labelling exercise and short simple writing activity to practise the structure ‘there is / there are’.

Entry Level 1
Adult Literacy: writing - punctuation & grammar (Ws)
Functional English - writing
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
Functional English reading
pre-Entry Rw/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in letters, syllables, words,
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Ww/M8.2 Associate sounds with patterns in some letters, syllables. words, rhymes, songs
pre-Entry Ws/M8.1 Understand that words are grouped together to convey meaning, using rules & structure
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols

Using this resource, learners at E1-2 level learn to recognise vowels and consonants, spell the days of the week and identify these spellings with everyday activities and calendar usage. At E2-3 level learners can use the resource to develop their ideas into sentences that incorporate days of the week.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
Adult Literacy: writing - punctuation & grammar (Ws)
Functional English - writing
ESOL Ww/E2.1a Spell correctly majority of personal details & familiar common words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words

A fun starter or plenary activity for the Christmas season to revise spelling of cardinal numbers. The worksheet contains a version of the traditional Christmas lyrics with all the cardinal numbers replaced by gaps for students to complete, thus gaining practice in spelling the numbers 1 to 12, as required by Cambridge Progression Entry Level 1 Sentence Unit. Students are then prompted to write the remaining numbers up to 20, as required by Cambridge Progression Entry Level 2 Sentence Unit.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 1
ESOL Ww/E2.1a Spell correctly majority of personal details & familiar common words
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Rw/E2.2a Recognise a range of familiar words

Powerpoint for practising numbers to 20, not necessarily all at once.

Used as a starter with all ESOL maths groups to check the spelling of numbers. I created it for E1 / E2 and it could be used for ESOL, Literacy or Numeracy classes.

A selection of smileys are shown on each slide. Clicking reveals the number (as a digit) and a further click reveals the number spelt out as a word. Good used with small individual whiteboards.

Entry Level 1
AN N1/E1.2 Read & write numbers up to 10 inc. zero
AN N1/E1.1 Count reliably up to 10 items
pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words

A powerpoint used as a starter with all ESOL maths groups to check the spelling of numbers. I created it for E1 / E2, but always use it as a check with E3 – L2 at the beginning of the year. They all enjoy it and never complain it should be for babies. It could be used for ESOL, Literacy or Numeracy classes.

A selection of smileys are shown on each slide. Clicking reveals the number (as a digit) and a further click reveals the number spelt out as a word. Would be good used with small individual whiteboards.

Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
AN N1/E2.2 Read, write, order & compare numbers to 100; odd even nos.
AN N1/E2.1 Count reliably to 100, count on in 2s and 10s
AN N1/E1.2 Read & write numbers up to 10 inc. zero
AN N1/E1.1 Count reliably up to 10 items
Whole Numbers
pre-Entry N1/M8.1 Join in rote counting to 10
ESOL Ww/E2.1a Spell correctly majority of personal details & familiar common words
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words

A great set of Entry/preEntry word level games that’s ideal for ESOL students at the start of term. Includes word picture match, alphabet ordering, word fill, word shapes, missing vowels and more. Ideal for themed lessons and the start of term. With answer sheets and teaching ideas.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.2 Decode simple, regular words
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
Adult Lit Rw/E1.3 Recognise the letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower case
pre-Entry Rw/M8.1Recognise letters of the alphabet by shape, name, sound
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Rw/E1.3a Identify letters of alphabet in both upper & lower case
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
Education and teaching

A great set of Entry/preEntry word level games on this popular topic. Includes word picture match, word fill, word shapes and more. Ideal for themed lessons. With answer sheets and teaching ideas.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.2 Decode simple, regular words
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
Adult Lit Rw/E1.3 Recognise the letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower case
pre-Entry Rw/M8.1Recognise letters of the alphabet by shape, name, sound
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Rw/E1.3a Identify letters of alphabet in both upper & lower case
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
Independent living

A wonderful and very substantial series of worksheets (or cut and stick) and card based activities for preEntry Milestone 8 – Entry 1 Lit and ESOL. Covers dozens of everyday household objects and furniture. Includes matching, labelling, missing letters and spelling.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Wt/M7.2 Use words/signs/symbols/images & match their meanings to objects, people, places
pre-Entry Wt/M8.1 Understand that words/signs/symbols/images convey information
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling

Wonderful set of worksheets (or cut and stick) and card based activities for preEntry Milestone 7 – Entry 1 Lit and ESOL. Covers different types of residential buildings, different rooms, garden sheds and garages. Includes matching, labelling, missing vowels and spelling.

Entry Level 1
Adult Lit Rw/E1.1 Have limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs, symbols
pre-Entry Rw/M8.3 Recognise & read a growing no. of words signs symbols
pre-Entry Wt/M7.2 Use words/signs/symbols/images & match their meanings to objects, people, places
pre-Entry Wt/M8.1 Understand that words/signs/symbols/images convey information
pre-Entry Ww/M8.1 Write with appropriate grip making many controlled letter shapes & using a conventional sequence of letters
ESOL Rw/E1.1a Recognise a limited number of words, signs and symbols
ESOL Rw/E1.2a Use basic sound-letter correspondence to sound out words
ESOL Ww/E1.1a Use and spell correctly some personal key words and familiar words
ESOL Ww/E1.1b Use basic sound-letter correspondence & letter patterns to aid spelling