ESOL Wt/E3.3a Show sequence through the use of discourse markers and conjunctions
Wt/E3.3a Show sequence through the use of discourse markers and conjunctions
(i) Write narrative texts with a clear indication of sequence of events Example: Write a chronological account of a personal experience, such as their journey to Britain, e.g. I came to England with my husband in 1991, in December. We spent one day on the aeroplane and it was night-time when we got off it. I remember it was very cold and it was raining very hard. After a long time in Immigration we went to a hotel and stayed there for about five months. Then we moved to a flat on the eleventh floor, near Dagenham. Finally, we got a small house...
(ii) Understand the use of: a) discourse markers that show sequence, e.g. use of time words to join sentences and paragraphs, or to describe time periods b) conjunctions such as before, when, after, while c) connectives such as then, and then, next, finally. ....and apply this in learners' own writing