ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately

ESOL > Writing > Sentence Level > Ws/E3.2 use correct basic grammar, e.g. appropriate verb tense, subject–verb agreement > Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
(i) Know the form of, and understand the concept expressed by a variety of tenses, in statement, negative and question form, and apply this in writing
(ii) Know that the range and usage of tenses and aspect does not always correspond directly with the range in learners' other languages, e.g. in Chinese there are no verb changes to express the concept of time
(iii) Understand that a verb and its subject must agree in terms of number, and apply this in their own writing
(iv) Understand that the use of tenses or subject-verb agreement in written standard English is not always the same as those in spoken varieties of English, and recognise the effect of this upon register e.g. he done it (London variety of English), I were right pleased (Yorkshire variety of English)
(v) Develop accuracy in non-verb grammar, e.g. use of articles, comparative form of the adjective
(vi) Use pronouns to show links between different parts of a text, making it clear what the pronouns refer to

Example of application and level

  • Write sentences in a formal letter or piece of coursework using correct tense and subject–verb agreement.

Sample activities

  • Learners correct a text with errors in tenses and negative question forms, and then, in pairs, discuss their findings with another learner, giving reasons for their corrections.
  • Learners practise using correct basic grammar through a range of grammar practice activities, e.g.: gap-fill verbs in a text using appropriate tense and person, identify and correct errors with subject–verb agreement in a text, compare the use of tenses in English with tenses or other features to express time in their languages.
  • Learners listen to short dialogues including a range of varieties of English, and discuss how formation of tenses, subject–verb agreement, use of pronouns may differ from written standard English.
  • Learners read short excerpts from texts using regional varieties of spoken English: e.g. poems by Merle Collins, Benjamin Zephanaiah, short stories by Olive Senior, Buchi Emecheta, Anita Desai. In small groups, learners discuss their meaning and write a standard English version of some of the sentences. They discuss the differences they can identify between spoken varieties and written standard form. They then discuss whether similar differences occur in their own languages.

Source: Adult ESOL Core Curriculum (DfES, 2001) 

A PowerPoint taking learners through definitions and examples of use of tense in sentences and a brief quiz

Editor's notes

Clear and engaging and, as with all of Niamh's PPTs, easily adapted for any learner group whether it be ESOL, Functional English or Essential English

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.15 Use mostly correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of tense, definite & indefinite articles
FE L1.20 Use correct grammar e.g. subject-verb agreement, consistent use of different tenses, definite & indefinite articles
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose

A look at how to use the -er comparative with some simple exercises.  Explained in simple terms. Goes with my Super Superlatives resource.

Editor's note

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
ESOL Sc/E2.2f Ask for descriptions of people, places and things
ESOL Sc/E2.3f Give a short description
ESOL Sc/E3.3b Ask questions to obtain personal or factual information
ESOL Sc/E3.4a Express clearly statements of fact 
ESOL Sc/E3.4f Give a short description and make comparisons
ESOL Sc/L1.3e Describe and compare
ESOL Sc/L2.4f Describe and compare
ESOL Lr/E2.5b Respond to requests for information
ESOL Ws/E2.2a Use adjectives
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
Study Skills and General Teaching

An exploration and explanation about using superlatives.  A large resource with explanations, discussion points and exercises. Can be adapted to suit different levels. Goes with my Comparing with Comparatives resource

Editor's note

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
ESOL Sc/E2.2f Ask for descriptions of people, places and things
ESOL Sc/E2.3f Give a short description
ESOL Sc/E3.3b Ask questions to obtain personal or factual information
ESOL Sc/E3.4a Express clearly statements of fact 
ESOL Sc/E3.4f Give a short description and make comparisons
ESOL Sc/L1.3e Describe and compare
ESOL Sc/L2.4f Describe and compare
ESOL Lr/E2.5b Respond to requests for information
ESOL Ws/E2.2a Use adjectives
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose

Entry 3 level activity to practise using present perfect and past simple tense usage within the subject of social media.

Editor's notes

Another wonderfully engaging and topical grammar resource from Susanne. Reading and writing tasks that cover every social media platform you could think of!

Entry Level 3
ESOL Rs/E3.1b Use knowledge of syntax and grammar to work out meaning
ESOL: Writing sentence focus - punctuation and grammar (Ws)
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Give statements, accounts, explanations & instructions
Social Media

A set of tasks to practise reading and writing skills. Read about a student and his work and college life.

  • Practise using conjunctions.
  • Learn synonyms
  • Practise using punctuation correctly.
  • Write about your own experience of studying and working

Editor's notes

So practical and down to earth! Find out about Joseph's day to day college life and his busy job with Deliveroo. Also very useful for E2-E3 Functional Skills English students.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
General literacy / English
FE E2.13 Use basic punctuation correctly (e.g. full stops, question, exclamation marks)
FE E3.13 Use a range of punctuation correctly (e.g. full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas)
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE E2.19 Write in compound sentences, using common conjunctions to connect clauses
ESOL Rt/E2.1a Use a range of strategies to trace & understand main events
ESOL Rw/E2.2a Recognise a range of familiar words
ESOL Rt/E3.1a Understand how meaning is built up in a variety texts of more than one paragraph
ESOL Ws/E2.1a Construct simple and compound sentences
ESOL Ws/E2.3a Use correct punctuation, e.g. capital letters, full stops, question marks
ESOL Ws/E2.1a Construct simple and compound sentences
ESOL Ws/E3.3a Use punctuation to aid clarity in relation to beginnings and ends of sentences
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
Education and teaching
Employment skills & Public services
Independent living

Various activities to practise travel and transport themes and ideas. Read about a journey to college, answer comprehension questions and exam style questions,  form questions, use adverbs of frequency and conjunctions, along with speaking, listening  and writing practice - all on the subject of a journey to college. 

Editor's notes

Engaging and relevant! Written for E3 ESOL but the reading text and several of the exercises (for example: conjunctions) also provide useful and relevant practice for E2-L1 Functional Skills English. 

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE E2.19 Write in compound sentences, using common conjunctions to connect clauses
FS English E2.20 Use adjectives and simple linking words
FE E3.21 Use compound sentences & paragraphs where appropriate
FS Eng E3.1 Identify & extract relevant information & detail in straightforward explanations
FE E3.3 Communicate information & opinions clearly on a range of topics
ESOL Rt/E3.7a Scan different parts of texts to locate information
ESOL Rw/E3.3a Use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Wt/E3.3a Show sequence through the use of discourse markers and conjunctions
ESOL Wt/E3.1a Recognise the process of planning and drafting
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Lr/E3.2a Listen for detail in narratives & explanations
ESOL Sc/E3.4c Give an account/narrate events in the past
Motor vehicles & Transport
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism
Education and teaching

A first person autobiographical account of life in outback Australia.
Exercises include comprehension questions using when, where etc.
A revision of past tense verbs – regular and irregular.
A fill the gap using the correct verb tense.
A writing prompt for students to write about themselves – emphasising the use of conjunctions and short paragraphs.
A Wordsearch.
Includes a glossary of Australian words used in the text.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Adult Lit Wt/L1.1 Plan and draft writing
AL Wt/E3.1 Plan & draft writing
Adult Lit Ws/L1.1 Write in complete sentences
AL Rt/L1.1 Understand continuous texts
AL Rt/E3.1 Understand longer texts
ESOL Wt/L1.1a Apply genre-specific planning strategies as appropriate
ESOL Wt/E3.2a
ESOL Wt/E3.1a Recognise the process of planning and drafting
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
ESOL Ws/L1.1a Write using complex sentences
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Ws/E3.1a Write using complex sentences
ESOL Rt/L1.1a Understand how meaning is built up in paragraphed texts
ESOL Rt/E3.1a Understand how meaning is built up in a variety texts of more than one paragraph
History, culture, museums, libraries

Embedded literacy and Functional English for animal lovers! Also ideal for ESOL.
A beautiful set of three resources.

  • Birds of prey technical vocabulary PPT (with link to a video) L1-L2
  • Birds of prey gap fill (subject-verb agreement) E3-L1
  • British Birds of prey reading comprehension L2 (also great for ESOL leaerners who will also learn some geography about the major British hill areas)

For more of Kathy’s British animal resources go to ‘see also’ below.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Rt/L2.1 Trace and understand the main events of continuous descriptive, explanatory and persuasive texts
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Rw/L2.1a Read and understand technical vocabulary
ESOL Rw/L1.2a Recognise & understand vocabulary associated with different types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
ESOL Rt/L2.1a Identify different ways meaning is built up in a range of texts of varying genres
Animals, animal care, farming & equine

Useful set of verb cards for literacy and ESOL (includes regular and irregular examples in a wide range of tenses/moods, plus 1st-3rd person singular / plural cards). Pick and choose the ones you need according to level. Fully mapped.[img_assist|nid=4692|title=|desc=|link=popup|align=left|width=70|height=100]

Level 2
Level 1
Entry Level 3
ESOL Ws/L2.2a Use sentence grammar consistently and with accuracy
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately

Editable online interactive Word worksheet. Explore various sites to practice adding -ed and -ing suffixes and investigate irregular past tense verbs. Uses the Guide to Grammar and Writing and English Zone

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
AL Ww/E3.2 Use phonic knowledge to help spelling
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Ww/E2.1b Use knowledge of sound–symbol relationships & phonological patterns when spelling