ESOL Sc/E3.4d Give an explanation
Sc/E3.4: express clearly statements of fact and give short explanations, accounts and descriptions
Sc/E3.4d: give an explanation
- know when an explanation is required, e.g. an explanation should normally follow an apology. Examples: ''m sorry I'm late. I missed the first bus, then the next one was full. Excuse me a minute. I need to make a phone call.
- use verb forms referring to past, present or future time, including the form 'have to' or 'need to' in present and past. Example: I'm sorry I didn't phone last night. I had to work late.
- use a range of ways of connecting ideas, particularly subordinate clauses of cause and effect, result and purpose, including infinitives of purpose. Example: I didn't go to the doctor yesterday, because I telephoned, and they didn't have an appointment, so I had to make an appointment for next week. I went there to ask for advice.