ESOL Rw/L2.3a Recognise & understand vocabulary associated with different text types
Recognise and understand vocabulary associated with texts of different levels of accessibility, formality, complexity, and of different purpose
- Know that the choice of lexis contributes to the style of a text and relates to context, purpose and audience
- Form opinions about style by considering the author's choice of lexis
- Understand the concept of synonyms and antonyms and that different words can express similar or related ideas and qualities, often at different levels of formality, or for different registers
- Understand that words have different connotations, which are exploited in persuasive and descriptive texts (
- Understand that some English words have a range of meanings, and apply the correct meaning to different contexts, e.g. battery belongs to motorcar technology, animal farming, and the military
- Use a thesaurus with understanding
- Understand the importance of context and use this in determining the meaning of a word, if the meaning is unclear
- Use the phonemic alphabet to work out the pronunciation of unfamiliar words
- Recognise how words change to form different parts of speech, and how their phonology may change as they change word class, e.g. medicine, medicinal; economy, economical
- Understand that the meaning and use of some words changes over time, and that new words can be coined or borrowed from other languages
- Recognise and understand the use of similes, metaphors, idioms and clichés
Source: Adult ESOL Core Curriculum, DfES (2001):