ESOL Rw/E2.3a Use context & range of phonic / graphic knowledge to decode words
Rw/E2.3a Use context and a range of phonic and graphic knowledge to decode words
(i) Work out the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary from context
(ii) Understand that the same phoneme (sound) can be spelt in more than one way, and that the same grapheme (letter(s)) can represent more than one sound, e.g.-ee (see) and -ea (meat)
(iii) Use increasing sound-symbol association to aid decoding
(iv) Begin to recognise how words can be broken down into parts, e.g. common prefixes and suffixes like un-, morphemes (units of meaning) like -ing or -ed endings, and compound words such as playground (v) Use developing knowledge of word structure to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words, e.g. that the adverb quickly is related to the adjective quick, and happily to happy