ESOL Rt/L2.2a Identify the purposes of a wide range of texts, whether inferred or explicitly stated
Identify the purposes of a wide range of texts, whether inferred or explicitly stated (i) Make use of background knowledge and knowledge of the world in obtaining meaning from texts, e.g. previous knowledge about subject matter, such as employment as a doctor, when reading a journal article about medicine (ii) Have strategies for getting information when the requisite background knowledge is not there (iii) Know that texts can have more than one purpose, and that the real purpose of some texts can be different from the explicitly stated purpose (iv) Recognise the real purpose of ironic and satirical texts (v) Understand that format, organisational structure, grammatical features, discourse markers, register, graphics, vocabulary and style provide clues to the purpose of a text and use these clues to help decide on the purpose (vi) Recognise the importance of register, to assist in identification of purpose, audience and desired outcome (vii) Identify formal versus informal structures and vocabulary, e.g. the use of the passive, the third person, the use and choice of abstract nouns, formulaic expressions, idiom and collocation