ESOL Rt/L2.1a Identify different ways meaning is built up in a range of texts of varying genres

Understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is built up in a range of paragraphed texts of varying genres (i) Recognise that continuous texts may be structured round key events, ideas or themes, and that main points may be indicated in different ways in different text types (ii) Pick out main points, ideas, themes quickly and confidently, from a range of texts, including complex ones (iii) Where necessary, infer meaning that is not explicitly stated, in order to arrive at a correct overall understanding (iv) Read texts critically, reflecting on what has been read, what this says about the writer and what it might mean for different readers (v) Understand the role of connotation and metaphor in building meaning in a text

Read an exemplar answer to a writing question about Disappearing High Streets. Then plan and write your own article. Choice of two writing tasks (for Level 1-2 Functional Skills English). 

  • Gambling and the National Lottery 
  • How to get children off their computers and more active 

Editor's notes

This is just what other Functional English teachers need: I think it’s so important for learners to have realistic exemplar/model pieces of writing so they know what they’re aiming for. Also useful for ESOL.

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
FE L1.23 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
FE L2.24 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
ESOL Rt/L1.2a Know how language and other textual features are used to achieve different purposes
ESOL Rt/L2.2a Identify the purposes of a wide range of texts, whether inferred or explicitly stated
ESOL Rt/L1.1a Understand how meaning is built up in paragraphed texts
ESOL Rt/L2.1a Identify different ways meaning is built up in a range of texts of varying genres
Retail Hospitality Customer service
Voluntary, Charity and Community
Health, Social care, Early years
Family and relationships

Read an example of a report (about the facilities at a new community centre). Then plan and write your own report about a local park. For Level 1 and 2 Functional Skills English.

Editor's notes

This is just what other Functional English teachers need: I think it’s so important for learners to have realistic exemplar/model pieces of writing so they know what they’re aiming for. Also useful for ESOL.

Level 1
Level 2
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.14 Understand organisational / structural features use to locate relevant information
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.25 Organise writing for different purposes using appropriate format & structure e.g. standard templates, paragraphs, bullet points, tables
FE L1.23 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
FE L2.24 Write text of appropriate level of detail & length to meet needs of purpose & audience
ESOL Rt/L1.2a Know how language and other textual features are used to achieve different purposes
ESOL Rt/L2.2a Identify the purposes of a wide range of texts, whether inferred or explicitly stated
ESOL Rt/L1.1a Understand how meaning is built up in paragraphed texts
ESOL Rt/L2.1a Identify different ways meaning is built up in a range of texts of varying genres
Voluntary, Charity and Community
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism
Employment skills & Public services

A L2 reading lesson around the optimism of Spring, and Easter and pagan traditions, especially suitable for the start of the Summer term, as a springboard to setting intentions for the rest of the course. Suitable for ESOL or Functional Skills courses.

Editor's note

Fully mapped to the reformed FS content - and GCSE English. Also includes a vocabulary consolidation task for the next lesson.

Level 2
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE L2.14 Understand how textual features/devices can shape meaning for different audiences/purposes
FE L2.15 Use a range of reference materials & resources (e.g. glossaries, legends/keys) for different purposes
FE L2.16 Understand organisational features & use to locate relevant information in a range of sources
FE L2.17 Analyse texts, of different levels of complexity, recognising their use of vocabulary and identifying levels of formality and bias
FE L2.19 Identify different styles of writing & writer’s voice
GCSE Reading AO1a Identify/interpret explicit & implicit information & ideas
GCSE English Reading AO2 Explain & analyse language & structure
ESOL Rt/L2.1a Identify different ways meaning is built up in a range of texts of varying genres
ESOL Rt/L2.2a Identify the purposes of a wide range of texts, whether inferred or explicitly stated
ESOL Rt/L2.3a Identify the main points and specific detail in different types of text of varying lengths & detail
ESOL Rt/L2.6a Use organisational features and systems to locate texts and information
ESOL Rt/L2.8a Summarise information from longer documents
Faith & Religion
Mental health, awareness & psychology

Embedded literacy and Functional English for animal lovers! Also ideal for ESOL.
A beautiful set of three resources.

  • Birds of prey technical vocabulary PPT (with link to a video) L1-L2
  • Birds of prey gap fill (subject-verb agreement) E3-L1
  • British Birds of prey reading comprehension L2 (also great for ESOL leaerners who will also learn some geography about the major British hill areas)

For more of Kathy’s British animal resources go to ‘see also’ below.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Rt/L2.1 Trace and understand the main events of continuous descriptive, explanatory and persuasive texts
ESOL Ws/L1.2a Use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Rw/L2.1a Read and understand technical vocabulary
ESOL Rw/L1.2a Recognise & understand vocabulary associated with different types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
ESOL Rt/L2.1a Identify different ways meaning is built up in a range of texts of varying genres
Animals, animal care, farming & equine