ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.

Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context. (i) Understand that some parts of texts may be more important to overall meaning than others (ii) Develop awareness that the first sentence in a paragraph, often referred to as the topic sentence, often introduces the main point or establishes a new idea (iii) Recognise key lexis, collocations, fixed and semi-fixed expressions, and use this to extract the main points Example: The following extract from a travel information leaflet uses key lexis, collocations (such as ‘lost property') and phrases that are typically found in travel information - the phrases have become semi-fixed expressions: Smoking - Smoking is not allowed on any stations, trains or buses. CCTV - All stations, trains and buses are now equipped with CCTV for your comfort and safety. Lost property - Enquiries concerning lost property should be made to the relevant number below… (iv) Know that authors do not always state their opinions overtly, but that their opinions can sometimes be inferred, especially by considering choice of lexis Example: Read a newspaper headline and identify information that is not overtly stated, e.g. the author's opinion in newspaper headlines: Refugees are flooding into Dover. Teenage mothers jump the housing queue. Five years' research went down the drain. (v) Recognise use of modal verbs to express opinion and judgement. Example: I wouldn't say that… (vi) Develop awareness of how clichés and metaphorical language express opinion and ideas

This article looks at the gorgeous free growing wild bramble or blackberry.  It includes basic information (reading), spelling and grammar exercises and questions.

Editor's notes

Lovely information text that could also be useful for E3-L1 Functional Skills English. Also includes a short writing task and discussion points.  Part of Colleen's Living in the UK series. Look out for the Strawberries resource in the same series.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
ESOL Sc/L1.3a Express statements of fact
ESOL Sc/E3.4a Express clearly statements of fact 
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Rt/L1.5a Use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
ESOL Rs/L1.1a Use implicit & explicit grammatical knowledge to predict meaning & check for sense
ESOL Rw/E3.5a Use variety of reading strategies to read/understand unfamiliar words
ESOL Rw/L1.2a Recognise & understand vocabulary associated with different types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
ESOL Wt/E2.1a Compose simple text, selecting appropriate format for the genre and purpose
ESOL Wt/E3.2a
Catering Food Nutrition
Gardening & Horticulture

This article looks strawberries in the UK and how to grow your own.  It includes basic information (reading), spelling and grammar exercises and questions.

Editor's notes

Lovely information text that could also be useful for E3-L1 Functional Skills English. There are also speaking and listening tasks. Part of Colleen's Living in the UK series. Look out for the Blackberries resource in the same series.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
ESOL Sd/E3.1c Express feelings, likes and dislikes
ESOL Sc/L1.3a Express statements of fact
ESOL Sc/E3.4a Express clearly statements of fact 
ESOL Sc/L2.4b Give factual accounts 
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Rt/L1.5a Use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
ESOL Rs/L1.1a Use implicit & explicit grammatical knowledge to predict meaning & check for sense
ESOL Rw/E3.5a Use variety of reading strategies to read/understand unfamiliar words
ESOL Rw/L1.2a Recognise & understand vocabulary associated with different types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning
Catering Food Nutrition
Gardening & Horticulture

Created for ESOL Reading E2-3, but also useful for E3 Functional English. This is a multifaceted resource that includes a range of text types all based on the same story.  It was made because learners struggled identifying types of text.  In this resource the documents are all based on a single topic - Jane. 

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
FE E2.8 Understand the main points in texts
FE E2.9 Understand organisational markers in short, straightforward texts
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE E3.12 Understand organisational features & use them to locate relevant information
FE E3.10 Identify different purposes of straightforward texts
ESOL Rt/E2.1a Use a range of strategies to trace & understand main events
ESOL Rt/E3.1a Understand how meaning is built up in a variety texts of more than one paragraph
ESOL Rt/E2.2a Understand & identify the different purposes of short, straightforward texts
ESOL Rt/E3.2a Distinguish between different purposes of texts at this level
ESOL Rt/E2.1b Use reading strategies to obtain information from texts
ESOL Rt/E3.6a Skim read key textual features (title, heading and illustrations) for different purposes
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
Education and teaching

Various activities based around the subject of staying safe online, fake news and online scams. Practise and preparation for the reading exams with questions to practise alphabetical order, features of text, purpose, style, reading comprehension and alphabetical order.

Editor's note

Such a useful  and topical resource! Written for Entry 3 ESOL but also ideal for Functional Skills English and Digital Literacy. The reading text on page looks deceptively simple but some of the exam-style questions are challenging and would also be suitable for Level 1.

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E2.12 Use illustrations, images & captions to locate information
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE E3.10 Identify different purposes of straightforward texts
FE E3.11 Use strategies to find meaning of words e.g. dictionary, context, word types
FE E3.12 Understand organisational features & use them to locate relevant information
FE E2.15 Use 1st & 2nd letters to sequence words alphabetically
FE E3.16 Use 1st, 2nd & 3rd letters to sequence words alphabetically
ESOL Rt/E3.2a Distinguish between different purposes of texts at this level
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Rt/E3.6a Skim read key textual features (title, heading and illustrations) for different purposes
ESOL Rt/E3.7a Scan different parts of texts to locate information
ESOL Rt/E3.8a Read every word to obtain specific information
ESOL Rw/E3.3a Use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
ESOL Rw/E3.4a Alphabetical order 1st & 2nd place letters
Protecting privacy - Entry Level
Protecting data - Entry Level
Being responsible online - Entry Level
Digital wellbeing - Entry Level
Study Skills and General Teaching
Health and safety
Electrical, Electronics & Technology

Various activities to practise travel and transport themes and ideas. Read about a journey to college, answer comprehension questions and exam style questions,  form questions, use adverbs of frequency and conjunctions, along with speaking, listening  and writing practice - all on the subject of a journey to college. 

Editor's notes

Engaging and relevant! Written for E3 ESOL but the reading text and several of the exercises (for example: conjunctions) also provide useful and relevant practice for E2-L1 Functional Skills English. 

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE E2.19 Write in compound sentences, using common conjunctions to connect clauses
FS English E2.20 Use adjectives and simple linking words
FE E3.21 Use compound sentences & paragraphs where appropriate
FE E3.1 Identify & extract relevant information & detail in straightforward explanations
FE E3.3 Communicate information & opinions clearly on a range of topics
ESOL Rt/E3.7a Scan different parts of texts to locate information
ESOL Rw/E3.3a Use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Wt/E3.3a Show sequence through the use of discourse markers and conjunctions
ESOL Wt/E3.1a Recognise the process of planning and drafting
ESOL Ws/E3.2a Use basic sentence grammar accurately
ESOL Lr/E3.2a Listen for detail in narratives & explanations
ESOL Sc/E3.4c Give an account/narrate events in the past
Motor vehicles & Transport
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism
Education and teaching

A reading practise exercise in the style of formal reading exams. Read about unusual hobbies and then choose multiple choice, true/false, and other questions to check a range of reading skills including tone, layout features, vocabulary and general comprehension.

Editor's notes

Written for E3 ESOL but also provides useful and relevant practice for E3-L1 Functional Skills English. Includes a proof reading question on grammar, spelling and punctuation. Interesting article on ghost hunting and keeping ants!

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE E3.12 Understand organisational features & use them to locate relevant information
FE L1.12 Recognise that language & other textual features can be varied to suit different audiences & purposes
FE L1.15 Infer from images meanings not explicit in the accompanying text
ESOL Rw/E3.3a Use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
ESOL Rs/E3.2a Recognise function of CLs, full stops, commas, question- exclamation- and speech marks, bullet points /numbering
ESOL Rs/L1.1a Use implicit & explicit grammatical knowledge to predict meaning & check for sense
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Rt/E3.5a Locate organisational features, such as contents, index, menus
ESOL Rt/E3.7a Scan different parts of texts to locate information
Leisure, Hobbies, Travel & Tourism

A simplified version of a news report taken from ABC's Behind the News. Dating from 2020 it talks bout US Gun Laws from an Australian perspective. The reading text also comes with comprehension questions, a cloze passage, dictionary activities and a writing prompt. There are related tasks at two levels E3/L1 and L1/2.

Editor's notes

Entry Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE L1.9 Identify & understand the main points, ideas & details
FE L2.11 Identify when main points are sufficient & when specific details are important
FE E3.11 Use strategies to find meaning of words e.g. dictionary, context, word types
FE L1.13 Use reference materials & appropriate strategies for a range of purposes, inc. to find word meanings
FE L1.24 Use format, structure & language appropriate for audience & purpose
FE L2.27 Use language & register (e.g. persuasive techniques, supporting evidence, specialist words) to suit audience & purpose
ESOL Rt/E3.1a Understand how meaning is built up in a variety texts of more than one paragraph
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Rt/L1.3a Understand how main points and specific detail are presented and linked
ESOL Rw/E3.5a Use variety of reading strategies to read/understand unfamiliar words
ESOL: Writing - text focus (composition)
ESOL Rw/L1.1a Use reference material to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
ESOL Rw/L1.3a Recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary
News, Politics & Government items

This interesting report on an overseas sportsman in UK allows for work in ESOL. The report covers a footballer who wishes to live in Cardiff and previously moved from Birmingham to Moscow. The comprehension questions cover his career and the people that influence his life. A conversation between the journalist and player allows for forming questions and the last task is a writing opportunity.

Editor's note

Also suitable for Functional English - see the notes within the resource. I love the dialogue exercise. :)

Entry Level 3
Level 1
FE L1.2 Make requests & ask relevant questions to obtain specific information
FE E3.9 Identify, understand & extract main points & ideas in/from texts
FE Writing composition
ESOL Sc/E3.3b Ask questions to obtain personal or factual information
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Rs/L1.2a Use punctuation to help understanding
ESOL: Writing - text focus (composition)
Sport and fitness

4 Oct 2017. Updated information on source material added

A reading activity on legal age limits in different parts of the UK. Includes: education, voting, driving, marriage and work. Based on materials at:…

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Functional English reading
ESOL Ws/E3.1a Write using complex sentences
ESOL Sd/E3.1d Express views and opinions
ESOL Sc/E3.4e Give directions and instructions
ESOL Sc/E2.2a Make requests: ask for things or action
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Lr/E3.2d Listen for grammatical detail
News, Politics & Government items

An adaptation of the text originally contributed by Amanda Burgess. I’ve simplified it for ESOL E2-E3 learners and added a vocab box as well – either for learners to investigate themselves or to be taught by the tutor ( Eg,What other charities do you know about….What other ways do charities use to raise money…etc).

From an ESOL point of view, the resource ties in with the core curriculum reading descriptors as well as the ‘Getting Involved in the Community’ part of the Citizenship syllabus.

Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
ESOL Rt/E3.8a Read every word to obtain specific information
ESOL Rt/E3.4a Extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context.
ESOL Rt/E3.1a Understand how meaning is built up in a variety texts of more than one paragraph
ESOL Rt/E2.1b Use reading strategies to obtain information from texts
ESOL Rt/E2.1a Use a range of strategies to trace & understand main events
Voluntary, Charity and Community