How old is Wayne Rooney?

How old is Wayne Rooney? A great quiz that that involves writing numbers as words.

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Hello Maggie

Here are some suggestions for the How Old is Wayne Rooney? game / quiz submitted in 2005 by Janet Kinsey, Abingdon & Witney College.

Answer cards could be printed out (in words and figures) and students select answers (for those who need to practise reading numbers in words).

The same answers could be used in a matching game – distribute answers (on separate cards in words and in writing), read out questions and discuss with players (leave the one about Wayne Rooney until last). Tell students the answers and they match up their cards as they go along. The one left with Wayne’s age (24) is the winner!

The whole thing could be extended to include numbers to 1000 (E3) etc. and questions tailored to fit the audience.

This resource just seemed to get my creative juices flowing and I had to share it!

Best wishes, Andrea Curtis (November 2009)
Devon Adult and Community Learning Tutor